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Self Care Discussion Questions

Being Your Own Critic

  • What are some thoughts you have had about yourself recently? 
  • Are they mostly positive or negative?
  • What are your expectations for yourself? 
    What would you do differently in your daily life if you knew no one would judge you for it?
    What is one lesson you have learned on this journey?
    What do you consider “priceless” in your life at this moment?
  • Are they realistic? Why or why not?

“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” –John Kabat-Zin

  • Have you changed as an individual since receiving the diagnosis? If so, how?
  • How has that change effected your life and your family?
  • How do you cope with the changes you face?
  • What is some advice you would give someone who has been newly diagnoses on how to handle the upcoming changes?


“There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.” -George Sand

For Caregivers & Family Members:

  • How has the relationship changed since receiving the diagnosis?
  • In what ways is love still communicated or expressed in your relationship?
  • What is one thing you can do to show love?
  • What has helped you emotionally to continue to provide support of your loved one?
  • What part of their personality is still present that you adore?

For Individuals with Dementia:

  • How has your relationship changed with your family since receiving the diagnosis?
  • In what ways is love still communicated or expressed in your relationship?
  • What is one thing you can do to show love?
  • What has helped you emotionally while on this journey?
  • What is one thing you love about yourself?

Self Care

“When you discover something that nourishes your soul and bring you joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.” –Jean Bolen

Analogy: On an airplane, an oxygen mask descends in front of you. What do you do? As we all know, the first rule is to put on your own oxygen mask before you assist anyone else. Only when we first help ourselves can we effectively help others.

  • Questions for Caregivers and Family Members
    What does it mean to you as an individual to relax? Define it in your own terms.
  • What activity brings you enjoyment? How often do you do this task?
  • Do you think you are being selfish if you put your needs first or do you feel guilty by doing so? Why or why not?
  • What motivates you?
  • Do you have trouble asking for what you need? Do you feel inadequate if you ask for help?

Questions for People with Dementia

  • What activities do you enjoy doing with your family that helps you relax?
  • How do you cope with stress?
  • What are some things that cause stress?
  • Do you feel as though you can express your emotions openly with your family?
  • Are you vocal about your needs?

How do you release negative energy

Spring Cleaning for the Soul

Questions for People with Dementia

  • What, if any old habits, would you like to get rid of this season?
  • Do you have any memories associated with the spring season?
  • Do you have any routines that you do for yourself to maintain a good mood?
  • Is there anything you want to particularly focus on in the near future? Any plans on how to do it?
  • Anything you are looking forward to with warmer weather on the way (possibly)?

Questions for Caregivers and Family Members

  • What steps, if any, are you planning for the future in the caregiving process?
  • Is there anything in this journey that you wish had an “easy, cleaner” way of happening?
  • Is there anything that you are researching currently and considering trying?
  • Is there any physical chore that you have put off due to procrastination?
  • Do you notice a change in your mood as the season changes?

Tips and Tricks for the New Year

The New Year is a time when most, if not all, of your past mistakes and stupidities are erased ... and the New Year is a brand new slate upon which you can create even more and better mistakes and stupidities! –Anonymous

Questions for Caregivers and Family Members

  • What have you managed well in the past year?
  • What is the biggest lesson you have learned?
  • What have you found to be the most helpful tip last year that might help others?
  • Are there any community resources you have found to be helpful outside of this group?
  • Is there anything you want to do differently in the new year and what are the steps that you are going to meet that goal?

Questions for People with Dementia

  • What have you managed well this past year?
  • What have you found to be helpful in the community?
  • What are some challenges you faced this past year and how did you handle the situation?
  • What is something that you want to do differently this year?
  • What brings you the most comfort in challenging times?